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pH Meter LBN-PH181
pH Meter LBN-PH181

pH Meter LBN-PH181 |


pH Meter LBN-PH181 is a bench top device which has a water-resistant keypad and a large dual-display to read both parameters and temperature at once. The temperature compensation mechanism is automatic/manual and operates between -10°C to 110°C. View active pH and temperature calibration logs in real time, and record up to 1000 data sets using the large LCD screen and transferable data loggers. Working temperatures range from 5 °C to 35 °C with an average humidity of 85%, ensuring error-free measurements.

Specifications :
pH Measurement Range (-2.00 to 19.99) pH
pH Resolution 0.1/0.01 pH
pH Accuracy ± 0.02 pH
pH Input Current ≤ 1×10-12 A
pH Input Impendence ≥ 1×1012 Ω
pH Stability ± 0.01 pH/3h
pH Temperature Compensation 0 °C to 100 °C (auto/manual)
mV Measurement Range (mV/ORP/EH) -1999.9 mV to 1999.9 mV
mV Resolution 1 mV
mV Accuracy ± 0.1 % FS
Temperature Range -10 °C to 110 °C
Temperature Resolution 0.1 °C
Temperature Accuracy ± 0.5 °C
Temperature 15 °C to 30 °C
Humidity ≤ 85 %
Calibration Automatic (1, 2, 3 points) according to standards
Dimensions (W×D×H) 240 × 170 × 70 mm
Weight 600 g
Features :
  • 7-inch color capacitive screen with 1024×600 resolution
  • Adjustable screen brightness
  • Auto-calibration
  • Automatic or manual temperature compensation in either °F or °C
  • Data storage is up to 1000 sets of test data and is transferable,br/> The LO-DPHM103 model can only measure pH of high purity water and pure water with ammonia in power, petrochemical, and other industries
Applications :

In all types of scientific testing, quality control, biotechnology, fine chemicals, and acid-base titrations analysis, general laboratory desktop pH meters are ideal for estimating: moderate to low ionic strength solutions, low turbid liquid solutions, water quality analysis.