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pH Meter LBN-PH182 is a bench top device which has a water-resistant keypad and a large dual-display to read both parameters and temperature at once. The temperature compensation mechanism is automatic/manual and operates between -10°C to 110°C. View active pH accuracy 0.01 and temperature calibration logs in real time, and record up to 1000 data sets using the large LCD screen and transferable data loggers. Working temperatures range from 5 °C to 35 °C with an average humidity of 85%, ensuring error-free measurements.
pH Measurement Range | (-2.000 to 19.999) pH |
pH Resolution | 0.01/0.001 pH |
pH Accuracy | ± 0.01 pH |
pH Input Current | ≤ 1×10-12 A |
pH Input Impendence | ≥ 1×1012 Ω |
pH Stability | ± 0.01 pH/3h |
pH Temperature Compensation | 0 °C to 100 °C (auto/manual) |
mV Measurement Range (mV/ORP/EH) | -1999.9 mV to 1999.9 mV |
mV Resolution | 0.1 mV |
mV Accuracy | ± 0.03 % FS |
Temperature Range | -10 °C to 110 °C |
Temperature Resolution | 0.1 °C |
Temperature Accuracy | ± 0.5 °C |
Temperature | 15 °C to 30 °C |
Humidity | ≤ 85 % |
Calibration | Automatic (1, 2, 3 points) according to standards |
Dimensions (W×D×H) | 240 × 170 × 70 mm |
Weight | 600 g |
In all types of scientific testing, quality control, biotechnology, fine chemicals, and acid-base titrations analysis, general laboratory desktop pH meters are ideal for estimating: moderate to low ionic strength solutions, low turbid liquid solutions, water quality analysis.