Hematology Analyzer

Labnic Hematology Analyzer offers fast and accurate blood analysis for clinical diagnostics. They perform a wide range of tests, including CBC and other parameters. Their multi-level quality control enhances reliability in results. These analyzers come with various interfaces for easy connectivity and integration. Our Hematology Analyzer is ideal for routine blood tests, pre-surgical assessments, and advanced research.

Hematology Analyzer LBN-HA161

Parameters : 27 parameters: WBC, Neu#, Lym#, Mon#, Eos#, Bas#, Neu%, Lym%, Mon%, Eos%, Bas%, *ALY#, *ALY%, *LIC#, *LIC%, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW - CV, RDW - SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P - LCC, P - LCR

Linearity Range : WBC (0 to 100) × 109/ L, RBC (0 to 8.00) × 1012/ L, HGB (0.0 to 250.0) × mg / L, PLT (0 to 1000) × 10 9/ L

Throughput : 60 samples per hour

Sample Volume : CBC + DIFF mode: 20uL, Prediluted mode: 20uL