pH Measurement Range : (-2.00 to 19.99) pH
pH Resolution : 0.1/0.01 pH
pH Accuracy : ± 0.02 pH
pH Input Current : ≤ 2×10-12 A
pH Measurement Range : (-2.00 to 19.99) pH
pH Resolution : 0.1/0.01 pH
pH Accuracy : ± 0.02 pH
pH Input Current : ≤ 2×10-12 A
pH Measurement Range : (-2.00 to 19.99) pH
pH Resolution : 0.1/0.01 pH
pH Accuracy : ± 0.02 pH
pH Input Current : ≤ 1×10-12 A
pH Measurement Range : (-2.000 to 19.999) pH
pH Resolution : 0.01/0.001 pH
pH Accuracy : ± 0.01 pH
pH Input Current : ≤ 1×10-12 A