Planetary Ball Mill Machine

Labnic Planetary Ball Mill Machine offer varied capacity ranging from 400ml to 12L for powerful and rapid grinding. They are capable of low-noise operation efficient in quiet laboratory environments. These machines come with multiple grinding modes for dry, wet and vacuum processing. Their digital interface makes milling easier and effortless for users. Our Planetary Ball Mill Machine is ideal in the fields of geology, biological laboratories and chemical industries.

Planetary Ball Mill Machine LBN-BM141

Capacity : 400 ml

Per Jar Capacity : 50 to 100 ml

Vacuum Jar Capacity : 50 ml

Jar Quantity : 2 to 4

Planetary Ball Mill Machine LBN-BM142

Capacity : 1000 ml

Per Jar Capacity : 50 to 200 ml

Vacuum Jar Capacity : 50 to 100 ml

Jar Quantity : 2 to 4

Planetary Ball Mill Machine LBN-BM143

Capacity : 2000 ml

Per Jar Capacity : 50 to 500 ml

Vacuum Jar Capacity : 100 to 250 ml

Jar Quantity : 2 to 4

Planetary Ball Mill Machine LBN-BM144

Capacity : 4000 ml

Per Jar Capacity : 50 to 1000 ml

Vacuum Jar Capacity : 250 to 500 ml

Jar Quantity : 2 to 4

Planetary Ball Mill Machine LBN-BM145

Capacity : 8000 ml

Per Jar Capacity : 500 to 2000 ml

Vacuum Jar Capacity : 250 to 1000 ml

Jar Quantity : 2 to 4

Planetary Ball Mill Machine LBN-BM146

Capacity : 12 L

Per Jar Capacity : 500 to 2000 ml

Vacuum Jar Capacity : 250 to 1000 ml

Jar Quantity : 2 to 4