Vacuum Freeze Dryer

Labnic Vacuum Freeze Dryer offers precise and accurate temperature control for optimal performance. Their built-in condenser with pre-freezing function eliminates the need for a cryogenic refrigerator. They include a communication interface with a computer, providing detailed information on the drying process. Their transparent chamber allows easy viewing of the process. Our Vacuum Freeze Dryer is ideal for applications in pharmaceuticals, food preservation, and biological sample storage.

Vacuum Freeze Dryer LBN-FD121

Type : Standard

Freeze-Drying Area : 0.12 mm

Cold Trap Temperature : (-50 °C)

Vacuum : < 10 Pa

Vacuum Freeze Dryer LBN-FD122

Type : Top-press

Freeze-Drying Area : 0.08 mm

Cold Trap Temperature : (-50 °C)

Vacuum : < 10 Pa

Vacuum Freeze Dryer LBN-FD123

Type : Multi-manifold

Freeze-Drying Area : 0.12 mm

Cold Trap Temperature : (-50 °C)

Vacuum : < 10 Pa

Vacuum Freeze Dryer LBN-FD124

Type : Multi-manifold TOP press

Freeze-Drying Area : 0.08 mm

Cold Trap Temperature : (-50 °C)

Vacuum : < 10 Pa